+7 812 679-10-30
Russia, Saint Petersburg, Sinopskaya embankment, building 66

Contact information

The team of the Bagration Hotel will be happy to assist you in choosing a room and making a reservation.
Just contact us for this.

Hotel «Bagration» address

191124, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Sinopskaya embankment, building 66

Front Desk

Т.: +7 (812) 679-10-30
Whats app: 8-904-555-28-77
E.: info@bagrationhotel.com

A restaurant

Т.: +7 (812) 679-10-33
E.: restaurant@bagrationhotel.com

Sales department

Т.: +7 (904) 555-28-77
E.: sales@bagrationhotel.com

Concierge service

Т.: +7 (900) 634-72-74
T.: +7 (812) 679-10-30
E.: concierge-s@bagrationhotel.com

How to get to us

From the nearest metro station is Al. Nevsky

20 minutes
When leaving the metro Pl. Alexander Nevsky-1 turn left and go straight along Sinopskaya Embankment to the Bagration Hotel.

From Moscow station

30 minutes
20 minutes
7 minutes

From Ladoga station

40 minutes
10 minutes

From Finland Station

40 minutes
13 minutes

From Vitebsk Station

50 minutes
16 minutes